Saturday, December 13, 2008


I'll be off to Japan for a week. Darn, and I still have a few things left to post, and other things to do online.

Ah, heck. Ittekimasu.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SCP-797 - "Hydrophobic String"

Item #: SCP-797

Object Class:

Special Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-797 are to be kept in a safe made of titanium. Access is to be restricted to testers only on threat of termination. No strands or items made of SCP-797 are to leave the testing area.

Description: SCP-797 is some form of string that spontaneously appears near [DATA EXPUNGED], presumably through the dimensional fluxes near the area. Aside from this, it displays no other paranormal qualities, although it has several unusual properties replicable only by extensive materials synthesis at the present time.

Each strand of SCP-797 has been either one of two colours, red or black. However, items woven of it have been observed to be black, green, red, brown, copper or gold, depending on the viewer. Such items are also extremely durable, withstanding temperatures upwards of 7000 C and pressures of 400 atmospheres.

Its most notable quality, however, is its repulsion of all liquids. Whether as single strands or woven together, all samples of SCP-797 repel any type of liquid with a 0% absorption rate. When immersed in a liquid, results showed that SCP-797 forms a layer of vacuum around itself, preventing it from coming into contact with the liquid. Upon testing, a sheet of SCP-797 was 300% more effective than a HAZMAT suit at resisting low pH acids, toxic spillage, and even gas attacks by repelling the mist particles in the air. Experiments to determine the cause of this property were inconclusive.

Mass spectroscopy revealed high quantities of yttrium present (47% mass), unknown substances (27%) and complex double-helix structures, resembling terrestrial DNA but with different elements, carbon and phosphorous being replaced by germanium and arsenic. Such a structure is unlikely to arise by chance, suggesting that the origin of SCP-797 may be from other lifeforms.

Stock: Four thousand, seven hundred and sixty-one (4761) strands of loose SCP-797, one (1) 8x8x8cm cube, one (1) 5cm diameter sphere, one (1) 20x80 cm sheet.

Addendum 797-a: Dr. ██████ has requested that SCP-797 be raised to Euclid status, after finding that a solid steel plate was cut in half when one strand of SCP-797 was slid across it. Further testing showed SCP-797 capable of cutting through titanium, diamond, vanadium and a range of other materials, simultaneously casting doubt on the safety of a HAZMAT suit constructed out of SCP-797.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

SCP-559 - "Birthday Cake"

As good a time as any to issue a report on an SCP object. Since it's under the Foundation's control and is secured impenetrably, this document can be issued, although it doesn't exist in any of their databases as they have yet to construct this report.

Scratch that. It's up.

Item #: SCP-559
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-559 is to be stored appropriately for any object it has taken the form of, within a secure safe containing 3 (three) other baked items inaccessible to those below Level 3 security clearance. Usage of SCP-559 is only to be done under the supervision of Level 4 or higher personnel with prior approval.

Description: As of the time of writing, SCP-559 is a round vanilla birthday cake. However, its powers have been known to exist in other baked items like rolls, puffs or cupcakes. Whichever item SCP-559 has subverted in this manner is easily identified by the words "Birthday Time!" marked out in green icing. Materials testing has returned this icing to be regular green icing with no unusual traits.

When lit candles are placed into SCP-559, they cannot be extinguished by any means by someone who is not celebrating their birthday. However, they can be put out by people whose birthday falls on that day, upon which the subject will have their age changed to the equivalent of the number of candles on SCP-559. This effect lasts for 24 (twenty-four) hours before the subject reverts to their original age.

Testing has revealed several other properties. SCP-559 seems to regard anything burning as a candle, regardless of its size or orientation. Matchsticks, fireworks and even high explosives have been used, and have all shown identical properties when inserted into SCP-559. Tests have been conducted with a number of candles from 1 (one) to above 900 (nine hundred.) Such a high age surprisingly brings about no directly related health problems, and the effects of existing health conditions (weak heart, asthma, etc.) are reduced when "aged" in this manner. In fact, 87% of those who were aged to above 500 years old survived the full 24 hours, although were physically weakened in their aged state.

If SCP-559 is cut or used in the above manner, or the green letters smudges, its current "host" will cease to exhibit the above unusual characteristics, and the nearest intact baked item will gain the powers instead. It has been observed to "travel" in this fashion over 25km (twenty-five kilometres) of sea, and this property led to difficulties during location and retrieval of the object.

Cross-testing with other time-based SCPs, SCP-006 and SCP-224 is pending approval.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The SCP Foundation.

The SCP Foundation is responsible for containing many unusual phenomena and objects that would ordinarily be dismissed as fantastical or impossible. In fact, the links of these objects with the real world is subtly demonstrated by many large-scale occurrences that have been altered to betray no link to the Foundation. While I respect the Foundation for their attempts to study and analyse many SCP objects for the benefit of mankind, some are just too dangerous to do so. SCP-005, SCP-500 and some properties of SCP-682 may be useful to study and yield quantum advances is science, but objects like SCP-173, SCP-682, SCP-1007 and SCP-139 may be dangerous if released into the world at large.

Throughout my own travels through realms, I have encountered several potential SCP objects, and indeed some removed from the Foundation's premises. The analysis of such may put the world at risk, especially considering that certain few SCP objects are in the possession of less neutral organisations. If anyone comes across an SCP object, notify the Foundation by issuing reports of such. They will respond, and that at least carries less danger than having it fall into the hands of other factions. The objects must be secured.