Monday, January 4, 2010

Memory continued.

OK. Train of thought has returned, after my brain took several heavy hits by a mathematics obsession. SMO Senior and Open papers from 2008 & 9... still can't even get 50% right. Yeesh.

Back to the topic. Those maths papers? Funnily enough, I remembered how to do a few of the questions (since I did do them before, the first time round) despite there being one intervening year of maths deterioration (reason shall be unspecified.) Also, I remembered which questions I failed to complete the first time round. Armed with new approaches, I tackled the questions, and found my memory screaming "you couldn't do this, you still can't do this." It didn't lie. It might even have been the reason why, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Such a lousy memory (in every sense of the words.)

Oh, and a small listing's appeared on the sidebar. The first 2 categories are simple enough, but I figure the 3rd one could use explanation. "Forgotten Anime" simply means those that I've watched before, remember watching before, but completely forgotten what it was about, save for the name (in some cases. Had to Google a few times to get the correct names.) Truly a case of amnesia, this would be.

......admittedly, those were watched about 10 years ago.

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