Tuesday, April 21, 2009


EDIT 1st August 2009 (Singapore time): ~Submitted for Foyle Young Poets of the Year award~

Mighty troops, march on to war,
Face your enemies on their homeground.
Fear nothing, announce your arrival,
Let them see your might a thousand miles away.

Fly your flags, beat the drums with vigour,
A terrible sight to see for your opponents.
March at day, cease not at night,
Let them hear your charge through the night and day.

Just imagine,
If you were
On the other side, would you
Not fear
The advance,
Of the rumoured forces-

-Storm your way towards your target,
Show no mercy, show no fear.

Charge on, Holy Forces!
Charge on, Mighty Forces!
Charge on, Deadly Forces!
Charge on, Holy Forces!

A countless host, in full reflective armour,
Sunlight thrashing on legions of soldiers.
Tall standards, relentless drum beats,
Shouting your cause to fame across the plains.

What if you were
The enemy,
Would you quake and tremble? what if
You knew
Of the troops,
Marching in to beat you-

-This is war, with only one outcome:
Strike with God's blessing and you will win.

Charge on, Holy Forces!
Charge on, Mighty Forces!
Charge on, Deadly Forces!
Charge on, Holy Forces!

Strike true, Holy Forces!
Strike hard, Blessed Forces!
Strike fear, Gallant Forces!
Charge on, Holy Forces!

This poem, inspired by and adapted slightly from Forces from the anime Berserk.

It's really a powerful song. Listen in awe, to Berserk's Forces. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkYYYew8CUI