Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The SCP Foundation.

The SCP Foundation is responsible for containing many unusual phenomena and objects that would ordinarily be dismissed as fantastical or impossible. In fact, the links of these objects with the real world is subtly demonstrated by many large-scale occurrences that have been altered to betray no link to the Foundation. While I respect the Foundation for their attempts to study and analyse many SCP objects for the benefit of mankind, some are just too dangerous to do so. SCP-005, SCP-500 and some properties of SCP-682 may be useful to study and yield quantum advances is science, but objects like SCP-173, SCP-682, SCP-1007 and SCP-139 may be dangerous if released into the world at large.

Throughout my own travels through realms, I have encountered several potential SCP objects, and indeed some removed from the Foundation's premises. The analysis of such may put the world at risk, especially considering that certain few SCP objects are in the possession of less neutral organisations. If anyone comes across an SCP object, notify the Foundation by issuing reports of such. They will respond, and that at least carries less danger than having it fall into the hands of other factions. The objects must be secured.

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