Sunday, May 10, 2009

F2P and P2P: Pros vs. Noobs... I mean cons.

Starting off with a quote from J.M. Pescado:
"Have you destroyed a paysite today?"
Less tactfully:

That said, let's move on. Everyone knows that there are free to play MMOGs out there. Everyone also knows they make money out of "optional" payments for benefits in the game. Everyone also now knows that paysites must be destroyed. A few simple examples to be amusingly noted, of why certain Games Which Must Not be Named fall into the same category:

Game 1: "Flee" (not real name, which is ███████.)
  • "A world three-times larger to explore!"
    • Oh yeah, like walking wasn't already so lag. 3 times the walking, 3 times the fail.

  • "Nine more skills to train!"
    • Can you say grindfest? How about Grindfest +9?
  • "Over 100 more quests to complete!"
    • Oh great. Now you're telling us that it's not just 3 times the walking, it's at least three times the purposeful walking.
All this win for a mere US$5.95. Yep, certainly buying that one. (If you did, don't kill me. If you don't know what this is about, you will not remember this. You WILL NOT REMEMBER.)

Game 2: [REDACTED] (Real name: █████/███ ███ ███.)
  • Well, not much is said outright, but this is certainly the case:
    • Pay and be able to effectively, "cheaply" upgrade items, essential for higher levels.
    • Or don't pay and fork out a couple 10^x █████ to upgrade things just ONCE.
  • Paying also nets you some fashion items (yippee) and random beneficial items to help you with one massive grindfest.
  • You really want to work your way to max level ██ TWICE without paying real money? Because that's how the game works.

Well, that's 2 games I play. Or at least, don't pay for. Maybe I'll add more, maybe not. Just remember: Do your part, DESTROY ALL PAYSITES.

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